Creative Director: Edward O'Hara
Art Direction & Design: Mark Migliorelli

From Murderers’ Row to The Core Four the New York Yankees own an unparallelled history consisting of tradition, greatness, and excellence. By celebrating their remarkable legacy in previous campaigns a fresh and unique approach was essential to increase brand value within the NYC community.
The New York Yankees were being challenged by other Metropolitan teams for News York's top billing sports team. There was a resurgence of the Knicks and Rangers along with the hype surrounding the Nets moving into Brooklyn, with the Islanders right behind them. The New York Giants just won a Super Bowl in 2012, there was no better time than now for the New York Yankees to restate their claim as New York's team.
The goal was met by strategically developing a campaign based around New York City and its community. The greatest city playing home to the greatest sports franchise inspired the “A New York Legacy” campaign. The campaign was brought to life with the use of stunning, larger than life visuals pairing a current New York Yankee with an iconic New York City landmark. To accentuate and connect the New York community with the New York Yankees each visual was then accompanied with strategically placed messaging.

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Brand Strategy, Look & Feel, Print & Digital Advertising, Website, Email Templates, Sales & Marketing Collateral, Environmental Art, Season Ticket
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